Wednesday, November 12, 2008

mission accomplished!

If you would please direct your attention to the link above, you can see that we have recently completed our mission to mars, or as the science dudes at NASA so endearingly call it, "the red planet."

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am so sick of martians. What a snobby culture. 

The article proposes some hopes of the science dudes:

"The project team will be listening carefully during the next few weeks to hear if Phoenix revives and phones home."

To that I say, don't get your hopes up, Houston. Don't you know this is paste week?

One thing they did get right though was when they said:

"Phoenix has given us some surprises, and I'm confident we will be pulling more gems from this trove of data for years to come."


Sam Titze said...

glad to see they have recognized our importance. phoenix haus is going to space! i already have my desired location picked out for the post-terraformation colonization of mars.

Kevin said...


Evan said...

As you may have expected, "space" got my goat. This became part of Bush's plans in 2001, if I'm not mistaken. I seem to recall being outraged then that we were going to be funding a trip to space instead of putting more money into fighting a war. I am no less struck by this point now.

How much does a one-way ticket to Mars cost? Anywhere between $325M and $420M according to some stupid blog titled "NASA Watch" that sounded authoratitive ( Their sub-headline: "This is not a NASA Website. You might learn something. [Important disclaimer]
It's YOUR space agency. Get involved. Take it back. Make it work - for YOU." I like it, but wonder whether I can simply throw it away if it's mine.

I point to the silliness of all this space mumbo-jumbo, or perhaps it's to the lack of seriousness these space perverts put into their jobs, by quoting a caption to a picture in the article Sam found: "These images show sublimation of ice in the trench informally called "Dodo-Goldilocks" over the course of four days." Seriously? The dodo-goldilocks trench? What sissies do we have running this program? It couldn't have been, like, Thor's trench or Orpheus' trench? We named all the other space shit after Greek and Roman gods. Now we're naming something after a retarded bird who let explorers walk up to it and club it into extinction and a ditzy, choosy blonde girl who stole porridge from a family of bears? Great. Fucking great.

I am uncertain what we would even gain by proving that it is possible that, at one time or another, life was a possibility on Mars. Unless we're trying to disprove God (see this article for a lawsuit against god:, I just don't get it. Sure, scientific advance... yadda yadda yadda. The point is that our science is no longer limited by nature. We invent way cooler things in a lab than we can find anywhere.

Kevin's right. We should take over Russia if we want to colonize something. The Russians will be better off and we'll have more space. Win-win.

P.S. Fuck space.