you might ask "come on now, ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY?" and i would answer, "yes."
this is because all people who like movies have seen and loved jurassic park. even though movie-lovers love jurassic park, none of them love it enough to reenact it. everyone knows you don't clone dead animals, especially big dead animals.
these scientists think they can clone MAMMOTH dead animals. therefore, they don't like movies.
SECOND POST (unrelated)
This woman was arrested for "impeding traffic and chasing children." the report also notes that she was "on a drinking binge."

that sounds like a recipe for some terrified kids to me.
holy shit. also, since when did you become a dialectician? that was one hell of a syllogism.
Science. i suppose the question is "why" make a mammoth. i've thought about why science does what it does and i have only come up with one answer: because it can. why did we make the nuclear bomb? dresden is proof that we didn't "need" it. further, why do people have to determine if a chimp-neanderthal hybrid is acceptable when nature already said that it's unnecessary? even further, why do they have to use an elephant cell to make a mammoth if the being that is generated will not be an elephant? if they weren't lazy, they could make a mammoth out of a stink beetle. lastly, would this really be a mammoth anyway or just a defective elephant that looks like a mammoth? i say the latter. we don't call children with downs syndrome a separate species -- they are just defective human beings.
as to that fat woman... i think a lot of kids won't drink milk anymore. i can only imagine how she impeded traffic (and it's wonderful).
dan kenney must not like movies either because he doesn't like the sandlot.
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