I've finally found Hell on Earth. The devil's kingdom is the Dentist's Office. I hate everything about the dentist's office. Just thinking about it makes me cringe. I can't keep my pain/anger bottled up anymore, so i hope it explodes onto your computer screen.
I hate the smell, where as soon as you walk in, you know you're in for 30-45 minutes of hell. As soon as you sit down, the vibe between you and the hygenist is godforsaken. She knows you don't want to be there because everyone hates the dentist, and you know she doesn't want to be there because who could honestly say that they actually like cleaning someone elses teeth. Its probably the worst job anyone could ever imagine.
Then, as you sit in the mechanical chair and slowly tilt backwards, she asks you to put the safety protection goggles, instilling fear in your heart because what the fuck do you need those goggles for? are they going to be pouring acid into your eyes??? is this chemistry class? You tilt backwards and look up and she points the light just slightly below your eyes, so its not blinding, but its fucking annoying. Then she glares into your mouth as she inspects every blemish on your teeth. She asks you to open wide, and she sticks her latex covered fingers into your mouth. You don't know what to do with your tounge, because you know its in the way, but if you move it, its more in the way, so you just leave it.
Next, she reaches for her weapon of choice...that ugly metal thing with two sharp pointy ends. The reason it has two pointy ends is so that when you're getting prodded with that horrific tool, you can see what exactly is making you bleed. Finally, she pauses from her relentless abuse, and offers a rinse. You swish around, glad that you get a break. She asks what your major is, and before you can completely tell her that you're undecided, she's back with avengence. this time with the floss. She asks how often you floss, and you playfully tell her "twice a year, you do it for me every 6 months." She doesn't see the humor, and attacks with fury. Blood flies everywhere. Well, it seemed like it, but in reality, its all pouring down my throat, thats why i was choking.
Next comes that electric toothbrush. She fills it up with a "toothpaste" that is actually candle wax mixed with sand. You cringe as the speeding thing brushes against the back of your teeth, and underside of your tounge. After a few seconds, she offers a rinse, but there is a reason behind it, it allows her enough time to reload her weapon of a slow and painful death. she puts it back in, and you want to cry. but you don't. its only the dentist, you look up at her to see if she is enjoying your pain, but all you can see is the glare on her safety goggles, and that blues mask. She doesn't look human. Horror movies flash before your eyes, then suddenly, she shuts off her death trap, and flips the switch to slide me back upright.
You get up with a smile, and pretend like you enjoyed the whole experience. you go to check out and joke with the receptionist, then she drops the big bomb. I'm due back in 6 months. I go home and tell my mom that I'm never going back to the dentist, that she doesn't understand, everyone there hates me. She just laughs and says "what do you want to lose all your teeth?"
Maybe. Then nobody can hurt me.
Yours always and until at least next week,
Cornbread Scottie