Sunday, March 8, 2009

Finally, a sensible biker

I just read an article from Friday's edition of The New York Times, and it was all about bikes on the streets. Despite what my behavior over the past couple years indicated, I don't hate bikes; I simply hate how the majority of bikers act when they are riding around on the streets, as well as how bikes can trash a shared house. Since I plan to be living in a city soon, I am planning to use the public transportation-bike combo as my mode of transportation, since I doubt I will be able to afford much of the expenses of driving all the time, because getting a good job as a recent graduate is something of a laughable prospect nowadays. That being said, I am somewhat reluctant to take up this transportation option because I am all too familiar with the mentality of a driver who is bothered by the erratic behavior of a biker who believes he is invincible, not to mention exempt from traffic laws. Anyhow, this article is more of a request that bikers bike more consistently, so as to end the battle between bike and car, as well as the one between bike and pedestrian. His arguments seem quite valid, and I soon hope to see a change in the nature of our county's transportation infrastructure. In the meantime, though, I think it makes sense to be less of a menace so that people who are undyingly pro-automobile might be enlightened to the countless merits of biking as an alternative to driving. I know some cities have managed to start this process, but so many haven't. Until people see that bikes can function alongside cars, I think it's quite obvious who will win the battle. I also like the article because it caricatures all of you hipster bikers all too well, chain locks and all. Check it out:

A Modest Proposal - Bikers, Take the High Road

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