Are we going to have to wage some sort of territorial war?
ALSO: Did you all know that sexism is almost over? According to the philosophy major in my class, all we have to do is wait a generation or so, and then everything is going to be great forever. Also, he enlightened me to the fact that it is apparently a lot harder to be a privileged, rich, white American male because it means you "don't have anything to fight against." TRUE OR FALSE, PRIVILEGED WHITE MALES WHO READ THIS BLOG?
Anyway thank god for that because I was getting tired of all the sexism everywhere, but I can rest easy now.
Also, I have a Valentine for all of you:

Here is a link to some other Valentines I would be thrilled to receive (Charles): Law and Order SVU Valentines.
That is all, carry on with whatever you were doing (which my case was watching the "Single Ladies" video on Youtube).
You have no idea how the lack of struggle in my life has completely just fucked me up forever. I think all my privilege has hindered me, leaving me just another white, middle-class douche.
you lucky women and minorities with the world always bringin you down!
I see his point but he delivered it poorly.
yeah if all you have to fight against is yourself, then you can tend to get kind of lazy i guess. but thats about it. some would call it "content." man, it sucks.
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