Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Smattering of Updates

First of all...
Everyone who didn't come to Rothbury made a mistake.  It was fucking awesome.  I'll have more details soon.  Lets just say for now that Primus is way way way more amazing than I ever could have imagined.
I'm finally on board with calling it chickenblast.com.  It's suggestive in a way that I hadn't considered without being specific to a particular group of vices, plus it creates a hilarious visual image.
I have been thinking about chickenblast.com A LOT.  I've got some great big ideas.  I hope everyone's getting some awesome pictures, especially those of you who are away in awesome places right now.  We're going to need them asap!  
Get ready to get rich, or at least mildly famous mother fuckers@!


Kevin said...

like fools we missed out on london kfc because sam missed his flight twice in one day.

somehow that's just as funny... in retrospect of course.

Sam Titze said...

Kevin is right, I am foolish. Not only have I missed a grand total of three flights (so far) this summer, but I have also lost my camera. I hope to borrow one so Dublin is not lost in the chickenblast collection. And I am totally ready to get rich. Sitcoms and websites, book deals (and signings) are not far away! We are brilliant and awesome and the best around.

smashleyanne said...

Gentlemen... lets get our heads in the game. We ARE brilliant and awesome and the best around, but without a shit load of pictures of people eating chicken we are nothing... well, that's not really accurate but you know what I mean. Also, I missed the DR chicken pics so I can't really judge.
Let the chicken dance begin.