Friday, March 21, 2008

Different boat all together

In the early hours of this morning, the most horrible things were said. Ok, so there's this boat, and inside this boat there's The Strokes and there's the killers. Who's steering this boat? Who decides what they listen to on the boat? Who's peelin' the potatoes? I think it's pretty clear:

I suppose I should begin by making it clear that I am a big fan of The Strokes, and not a fan at all of the killers. I should also clarify that I'm also a fan of good music, and not a fan at all of bad music. Does this make me biased? Perhaps.
It's no secret The Strokes have had everything going for them. Before their first album was released they were already the most hyped band since the grunge era. They were going to be the saviors of rock and roll. They were a bunch a scruffy lookin' New York City rich kids with cigarettes and beers and a Velvet Underground song book. Now, there's nothing I don't like about that picture. They deny everything said about favorable treatment due to their status.
The killers- in my opinion a B-level/okay band. Sure, they've got some catchy tunes. The thing that gets me most about the killers is that they try so damn hard to climb the mountain of cool music and only get halfway up. Granted, success can be a real dampener on cool, but that's nothing The Strokes haven't been through. These guys are from Las Vegas, and sing about boy-girl stuff. All that usual boy-girl stuff, you know, she's lookin' at me from over there and I don't know what to do about it so I'll sing a little ditty.
Lyrical content of The Strokes' songs are a bit more gritty, when intelligible*. They say "Fuck" and they don't care 'cause they got the balls (and affordability) to sing about sex in the bathroom, hookers, and New York City cops who aren't that smart. And you know, I actually believe them. They smoke cigarettes and blow it in the killers faces.
Everything about them, right down to the names given to them at birth- is cool. Who would you rather have at your party- Brandon Flowers or Julian Casablancas? Dave Keuning or Albert Hammond, Jr**? Sorry, you can't compete Mr. Keuning.
The Strokes' music is all guitars-drums-vocals. This is where they deliver the knock out punch in the killers faces. Compare the production of the killers to The Strokes, and you'll find they completely different recording methods and mixing styles. The Strokes could record their music just the same on a four track tape recorder you can buy for 20 bucks at Wal-Mart. The killers need at least 32 tracks for their little buzzes and background noises. Give Casablancas a sock on his mic to sound like he's singing his words through a dirty NYC phone booth and you've got yourself a classic recording.
Now I'm making a big point about how The Strokes are 'cooler' than the killers. Does this argument make their music better? Well, not exactly, but their coolness only makes the genius of their music that much more noticeable. If their music wasn't good, they wouldn't be 'cool' now would they?
I have to stop. My argument at this point is already too good. Let's recap- Strokes are cool because they ooze the cool shit all over, the killers try too hard and are too late and aren't that good.

The Strokes - a million
the killers - zer0000

Go look up the killers on youtube, I couldn't find anything that even allowed embedding. Real cool, right?

**this is Albert Hammond Sr

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

the greatest music ever made. ever.

So, I know some of you are in to that "hip hop" music. Well, I have a treat for you: Ella ja Aleksi.

They a promising new rap duo(first album "Lenni Lokinpoikanen" debuted in 2004) that sing about the topics I want to hear about. i.e. close surroundings, family, the importance of good parenting, and not bullying others. . . at least I think that's what they are saying. The thing is, they rap in Finnish. 

But, luckily for you and I, we'll have plenty of time to learn the language since they appear have such a long and promising career ahead of them. This destiny in music stardom is guaranteed for these two up-an-comers for two obvious reasons. First of all, they are musically astounding. Their voices are angelic and their beats equally divine. Plus, they are only growing in popularity. It seems they cannot go anywhere but up. Second, their combined age is a mere eight. That's right, they are each only four years old. That might make you raise a skeptical eyebrow, but god dammit, they already sing better than I could ever hope to. 

My personal favorite song is MC Koppakuoriainen. It is a ballad about a beetle who is also an MC – Talk about street cred. 

Anywho, check them out, spread the good news. Happy listening! Näkemiin! 

Bonus points if you can figure out the game. Super bonus points if you can beat it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

How to Sit on Your Stoop: A fun guide to chilling on your porch in a neighbor-friendly way

I found this on some guy's blog and, in light of the fast-approaching stoop season, I thought it might be a good idea to keep this in mind as the season edges closer:

step 1
What you'll need
I like to sit on my front stoop because I live in the city where it can be easy to catch cabin fever. Sitting on my stoop at different times of day, I get to know the rhythms of and characters in my neighborhood. I like being a familiar face to the people who live around me, from dog walkers and toddlers to gardeners and runners.

step 2To avoid stoop-butt, you can sit on a chair
Like I said, you can just pop a squat on the cement stairs. If you plan to sit for hours on end, you may want to invest in a more comfortable seat, like a retro weave jobbie or an Adirondack chair.

step 3Invite friends ...
Your neighbors, young and old, make good stoop-sittin' friends, especially when they're smiley.
Fuzzy pets also make nice stoop buddies. I notice when I sit on my stoop with my cat, people are more likely to say hi.

step 4Or have some "me-time" on your stoop
Read a book or stretch after you exercise ... either way, it's more fun on the porch.
(Less picture-friendly activities including clipping/painting your nails, brushing aforementioned fuzzy pet, or writing your personal manifesto.)

step 5Smile at passers-by
Don't stare down people when they walk by. Make eye contact and smile, or even give a small wave. If you don't feel up to smiling, it's probably a good night to sit on your back porch.

step 6Keep a tidy stoop for enjoyable sitting.
Give back to your stoop!
Sweep it clean from time to time.
Add some plantings.
Your porch may not be your temple, but it can be an oasis, so lively it up!


There are instructions here. I really like you. I'll make you a billion hummus.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

phoenix of the day returns!

phoenix ikki.